ParentsGame Day Guidelines…
Spectators must stay back 5 yards from the field or behind the spectators rope during all games. No one is to be in the team box except the players and coaches. The only exception is a parent who may come it to check on an injury. However, that parent must check the player and then move back to the designated area. Spectators are not to harass the officials or the other teams by unsportsmanlike comments. While is it necessary for the coaches to set any example in sportsmanship it is also necessary for the spectators to do so as well. Penalties may be imposed by the on field officials for such action. Proper Communication… If through the season there is an issue that arises the parents are not to contact the Board of Directors. Please contact the head coach and/or the team representative. The head coach and/or team representative will contact the board if necessary. Furthermore, comments and concerns should not to be spoken to the other parents in such a way as to cause dissension. If there is a concern please go through proper channels. Parent Expectations… More often than not the parents will be the determining factor in whether or not a player has a good and successful season. We encourage parent involvement and support. However, we also have coaches who do the best job they know how to do. We strongly discourage “coaching from the sidelines” and making comments to the players that would undermine the authority or expertise of the coach and/or coaching staff. As a parent please use this time to teach your player not only the football fundamentals, teamwork, etc. but also some solid life and relationship principles and to how to get a long with different people and personality types. This can be an effective season for everyone involved if the parent decides so. |